Responsible Driving Level 1
Responsible Driving Level 1
Careless Driving
Distracted Driving
Court Ordered Level 1 Defensive Driving
Our Responsible Driving Level 1 Class focuses on teaching drivers how their behind-the-wheel attitudes affect their driving behavior. Most traffic accidents result from a combination of distractions, uncontrolled emotions, improper decisions, and bad habits. Our court-approved class addresses these aspects in addition to basic traffic laws. Its purpose is to allow participants to look at their driving behavior and make a personal commitment to positively alter their daily driving patterns.
One Day – $60
Saturday or Sunday
Class: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Classes are live, facilitator-led on Zoom
Program Contents
Session One: 9:00AM to 11:00AM
- Introductions
- Getting Down to Basics
- What's My Philosophy
- Connecting the Dots
- Responsibility, Me & Driving: The Relationship Trifecta
- Interferences, Inventories, and Impact: Putting it Together
Session Two: 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
- What Do I Need to Consider for the Future?
- Resource Mapping
- Stress and Coping- Driver questionnaire
- Just the Facts: Defensive Driving Quiz
- Backwards Planning
Court Approved
Attorney Recommended
Enrollment Instructions
- Enter all referral information exactly as it appears on your court paperwork. Additional fees apply for corrections to certificates.
- Make sure you enroll in the correct class.
- This class includes required printed materials.
- Make sure you provide a valid US Mail address, below.
- The class materials will be mailed to the US Mail address you provide below.
- We will charge an additional fee if we have to resend the class materials.
Preferred Class Date: You will be enrolled if space is available.
Alternative Class Date: You will be enrolled if preferred class date is full.